Teaching “Tech Law/Intellectual Property in Asia” to students of the LL.M. in Law of Internet Technology, Bocconi University, from November 12th to 14th, 2020

Caroline Berube, Managing Partner of HJM Asia Law, had another great experience teaching LL.M Bocconi students of Laurent Manderieux (Director of the LL.M. program, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Law Department at Bocconi University). Prof. Manderieux’s students always show interest and ask relevant questions! The challenge was teaching virtually and make 8 hours of teaching the practical aspects of Asia tech law and IP cases as interactive as possible, which Caroline achieved. Day 1 was a combination of about 160 LL.M and engineer students – a great combination of knowledge and experience! Caroline accords special thanks to Laurent Manderieux and Gabriele Gagliani (LL.M., Ph.D. II Lecturer at Bocconi University) for again having invited her to lecture their smart students for another year, and to Dr. Marta Menin for her administrative assistance. Course brochure available here: https://www.unibocconi.eu/wps/wcm/connect/d80e74ae-daff-43c4-8ad1-2af29029aefd/Brochure+LLM+ITL+2021.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=n0Llqph